As my husband focuses on his work as a contractor, I will take on the development of a bed and breakfast. I am also the at-home parent for our boys and responsible for keeping them smiling - fed, exercised and ready to learn. We also have a large, hilarious, loving extended family (both blood-relatives and adopted), which makes our new space an additional blessing as we have room to accommodate many of them at once. Next Christmas will be a veritable gong show!
Five years ago I had our first son, Griffin. Two years later, Noah arrived. A lot had to go on the back burner for me, creatively speaking. This fall they will both attend school programs and suddenly, I will have bits of time to myself. I will get things done.

Home decor, painting, sewing, crafting, cooking, preserving, bird-watching and writing are all on my list. I am so looking forward to sharing my projects and our lovely place with you. Thanks for reading. If you like what you see, you will have to come and stay with us one day at our bed and breakfast. We hope to be open by summer 2013. Be happy, be kind and remember to pay it forward.